Ever since Sky City, another name for Acoma, I have been feeling fairly confident that I can do this.. that is be culturally confident. I had the opportunity to read a handout from the IHS about culture differences. It stressed listening, listening and the weak handshake.I talked about that in an earlier post, where Native Americans barely touch hands.
while talking to our guide, he mentioned that some tribal members had had experiences that frightened them at the IHS clinic. I've been trying to imagine what happened. Perhaps Dr. W will have some ideas of what scares people in the clinic.
I think I just have to work at listening, creating trust, and listening some more with N.A. Pts.
Hmm frightened in the clinic, more than the usual frights that come from being sick and seeing doctors who may not communicate compassion or try to make things understandable...not sure, don't remember unduly frightening patients when I was at Pine Ridge, but maybe some other docs were less culturally aware...