Thursday, May 19, 2011


Okay, Dr. W sent me a paper on snake bites. I really hadn't thought of that danger, yet there I was climbing rocks a few hours later. Crotalus atrox and Crotalus oreganus are two possible types of rattlesnakes I could expect to find around here in Albuquerque.  As I read more about the bit, the toxins, the deaths, I wasn't all that sure I would even leave the sidewalk. How common are they? I saw snake tracks on our walk that were about 3" wide in the fresh wet sand. After that every stick looked like a snake to me.


  1. Hmm the sign does tell you to stay on the trail! Sorry to keep scaring you but don't worry about rattlesnakes; there is antivenom to treat any bite. And we still have health insurance ;-)

    Your fear brings to mind the scene in Indiana Jones when he is confronted with a large number of snakes. He says, "Snakes....I hate snakes."

    Your loving husband

  2. It was a darn big trail...and perfectly reasonable to be afraid. I don't hate them...I just aviod them.
